
The Pink that Turns from Landscape into Dream on Elba

Walking can also be a practice of meditation and source of inspiration. Living on an island allows you to do it under the best conditions, especially in winter. The silence, scents and colours, in fact, are special. Every day has its own, breaking up the long winter. For me walking from the historic centre of […]

The Blue beyond the Sea, on the Island of Elba

There is a blue that goes beyond the sea, It is an existential blue, one that just by looking at it makes us sink into the depths of our inner sea. The idea came to me during a lunch break at the seaside, at the foot of the Linguella Museum, an archaeological site with a […]

On Art, Shades of Green and Nature, on the Island of Elba

The island of Elba on which I live is surrounded by blue, but its heart is green… A thousand shades of green, if not more. I’ve always been fascinated by this: by the fact that human beings, at an ancestral level, have the ability to recognise in nature the subtlest variations in green, more so […]

A special project

For years I have been working on creative projects with the Acqua dell’Elba perfume house. It’s a new challenge every time, but the making of the latest commercial has undoubtedly been one of the most interesting. In fact it involved finding a way of rendering an idea visually: a fragrance that would be music too. […]

Mediterraneo n.5

The ferry is a ‘non-place’ par excellence. It is an interval between the island and the mainland that allows us to distance ourselves from both and look at them with new eyes, as an ‘existential tourist’, you might say. Mediterranean no. 5 was born like that, on one of those sunny winter days when the […]


Carrying out research into the sea, and in particular the sensation of the sea, can take you down some blind alleys. In fact, getting lost in or letting yourself be tempted by a representation of it is fairly easy, especially if you live on an island in contact with tourists, who would like to take […]

Dimensione Isola, a four-handed project

Dimensione Isola, a project by Cristina Sammarco and Roberto Ridi all’Elba Sometimes I feel like an island. And living on one intensifies the sensation. For this reason, the project Dimensione Isola, launched in January 2018 with the Elban photographer Roberto Ridi, has a twofold value for me, on both the artistic and the human level. […]

A seagull’s-eye view of the sea

I’d like to tell you the story of the painting “Portale n.45″….     Painting seascapes when you live on an island may seem natural, if not predictable. If I go back in time, to the long Milanese afternoons I spent trying to paint the sea, then it bee extent to which mine was a choice […]

The picture of the heart

I’ll tell you about a picture close to my heart. It is no accident that I think of it in this way and you will soon find out why… What inspired it was the sea in the coves of Le Sprizze, between Marciana Marina and Procchio, on the island of Elba. Here time seems to […]

The “scoglietto” in pink

Today I’m going to take you to the place that inspired my collage entitled Mediterraneo n. 19. The idea behind this work was to present in a feminine and sensory fashion something that on the island of Elba is considered a sort of monument. I’m talking about the scoglietto, the ‘little rock’ that with its small lighthouse […]